Integrative Forest Therapy

Deep in the forest I stroll to hear the wisdom of my soul.
- Angie Weiland-Crosby -

Why Forest Therapy?

Today's lifestyle means for many people spending a majority of their time indoors staring at screens.
A fast-paced society with many demands leads to prolonged stress with physical and psychological impact:

Physical Psychological
  • Heart disease
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • Aches, pains, muscle tension
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Exhaustion
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Low self-esteem
  • Social withdrawal
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty relaxing

All of the above put the healthcare systems under pressure.
This is where integrative health can help.

Integrative Health / Integrative Forest Therapy

80% of our health is created outside of the medical health systems.
The connection between body, mind and spirit and the role of the natural world is recognised as being central to optimal wellbeing.
Individuals and communities need to be empowered to play an active role in their health.

The range of specific health outcomes tied to nature is startling, including depression and anxiety disorder, diabetes mellitus, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), various infectious diseases, cancer, healing from surgery, obesity, birth outcomes, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal complaints, migraines, respiratory disease, and others.
- Kuo, M., 2015 How might contact with nature promote human health? Promising mechanisms and a possible central pathway. [online] Frontiers in Psychology -

What services around Forest Therapy do I offer?

What is Integrative Forest Therapy?

Integrative Forest Therapy is a mindful, slow-paced walk through nature.
During the walk various "invitations" encourage you to open all your senses and fully connect with nature.

Girl sitting under a tree

Walks for individuals and groups

See section Upcoming events for planned walks open to everyone.
If currently no walks are planned and/or you would like to book your own walk as a group or individual, please use the Contact page to get in touch.


My workshops are usually full-day events with an indoor part in the morning and a forest therapy walk in the afternoon.
During the morning session we talk about the theory of Integrative Forest Therapy and people's own experiences and do a few sensory exercises.
Some workshops I organise together with another therapist who is specialised in art. Those workshops include a third part where we do arts & crafts with natural materials after the walk.

See section Upcoming events for planned workshops open to everyone.
If currently no workshops are planned and/or you are a group and would like to book your own personally tailored workshop, please use the Contact page to get in touch.

Employee wellbeing programmes

I offer to organise forest therapy walks or workshops as described above as regular, reoccurring events as part of employee wellbeing programmes for businesses.
If you would like to discuss an individually tailored programme, please use the Contact page to get in touch.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events.

If you would like to book a forest therapy walk or workshop, please use the Contact page to get in touch.

Images by Gerd Altmann, FelixMittermeier and Larisa-K from Pixabay